Sunday, April 27, 2008


So this Wednesday would have been our 3rd wedding anniversary. I try not to think about it and I have been trying to keep myself busy so it isn't on my mind, but every now and then, little thoughts seep in. I hope this will be the last year that I look at April 30th as a day with any significance in my life. I have been doing really well the last few months with finding myself again, loving myself again, and I know I owe much of it to my family who has been an amazing support to me. They have been there and listened, and talked, and loved, and counseled, and cried with me. I feel so much gratitude to have the family I do. I also appreciate all my friends who have been there for me during the times where it seems like all I do is complain. The counsel and help that has been offered has been greatly appreciated. I look back at the last year and think about how different my life would be if I would have stayed up in North Carolina. It worries me a bit. Then I think about how much I have progressed in the last 9 months that I have been home. I have a great job at the radio station, get to also work with my dad and brother, and get to perform again. Performing has always been a good de-stressor for me. I like escaping myself and becoming someone else. It's good for me. Helps me forget things sometimes.
Anyway...thought I would update.